REDCap is a great choice for collecting clinical research data. REDCap makes it easy to create a simple, secure, HIPAA-compatible web-based data collection system for research. There are many great advanced features, including surveys, longitudinal data collection, code snippets and more (although the learning curve for these features is a lot steeper than the base… (read more)
Updated 9/12/23 REDWrap is a free utility for converting REDCap data exports to a normalized relational data format. It runs in Microsoft Access and converts the flat-file REDCap export into Access tables, created with a more logical (normalized) structure. It’s available in version 1.22. Download here. Requirements Since REDWrap uses Microsoft Access, it can only… (read more)
How many test subjects does it take to nail down a hypothesis? When clinical researchers are planning a study, a least-favorite task is figuring out how many subjects are needed. The calculations get a bit esoteric, especially when “treatment” and “control” groups are of different sizes. Dr. Michael Kohn of UCSF had a vision for… (read more)
It’s very common for newborns to have (or develop) a touch of jaundice before their livers are functioning at full speed. (One of my daughters went through a lovely lemonish phase during her first week on Earth.) This is caused by a build-up of the yellow pigment bilirubin. Usually it’s harmless, but exceptionally high levels… (read more)
(This article was originally published as “The (mostly painless) guide to getting the custom software your nonprofit needs” at Tech Underground) What could drive your nonprofit organization to consider custom software? Maybe you need a new database application to manage your clients and services. Maybe you’ve got a great idea for a mobile app to… (read more)
Just found out that I was named as a co-author on a new paper, published in the online journal Cureus in January: A Web-based Decision Tool to Estimate Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Risk in Emergency Department Patients This “web-based decision tool” was an online calculator that I built to the specifications of Dr. Prasanthi Govindarajan of Stanford… (read more)